測試電郵 Test Email - SendPromotion.Email
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測試電郵 Test Email

編輯日期 Edit Date: 2024-10-09 | 撰 Author: iGears Support Team

SendPromotion.Email 允許用戶測試發送電郵理用戶的登入電郵,並不計算電郵餘額。發送測試電郵編輯只有2個位置需要留意:

收件人 - 測試收件人


排程發送 - 測試發送


注意: 發送測試電郵應需要發送至正確的電郵地址。

SendPromotion.Email allows users to send test emails to the user's login email without counting against the email balance. There are only two areas to pay attention to when sending a test email:

Recipient - Test Recipient

This is the button to send the test email. Just click it to send. The number in parentheses indicates how many test emails have been sent.

Send Schedule - Test Send

This is the button to send the test email. Just click it to send. The number in parentheses indicates how many test emails have been sent.

Note: Test emails should be sent to the correct email address.

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