電郵合併 Mail Merge - SendPromotion.Email
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電郵合併 Mail Merge

編輯日期 Edit Date: 2024-10-09 | 撰 Author: iGears Support Team


這可以用於量身定制的活動,並連接到收件人的數據,例如名 = ,姓 = 。通過輸入這些 HTML 代碼,將顯示個性化的電子郵件給您的收件人。

您可以將 CSV 文件導入系統,以便在電子郵件活動設置的後期階段設置這些可選字段的個性化活動,並可以在稍後的階段回來編輯活動。

Mail Merge

It can be used for tailor made campaigns, connects with recipients’ data, such as First Name = , Last Name = . By entering these HTML codes, it will show personalized emails to your recipient. 

You may import the CSV files into the system for these optional fields for setup personalized campaign at the later stage of the email campaign setup, and you may back to edit the campaign at a later stage. 

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