檔案管理 File Manager - SendPromotion.Email
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檔案管理 File Manager

編輯日期 Edit Date: 2024-10-09 | 撰 Author: iGears Support Team

所有用戶可以於SendPromotion.Email 系統查看已上傳的圖片/文件。請查看「左方選單」> 「設定」> 「檔案管理」。


注意: 如圖片/文件之連結需要自定義,此並不包括在基本計劃。請聯絡我們的銷售人員

All users can view the uploaded images/files in the SendPromotion.Email system. Please check the "Left Menu" > "Settings" > "File Management."

To upload a file, you can click the upload button in the top left corner or simply drag and drop it into the interface. You can also create folders to organize your data, edit/download/delete related files, and view documents using links in SendPromotion.Email.

Note: If you need to customize the links for images/files, it does not include in our standard package. please contact our sales personnel.

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