拖放式編輯器 - 欄位屬性 Drag and Drop Editor - Column Properties - SendPromotion.Email
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拖放式編輯器 - 欄位屬性 Drag and Drop Editor - Column Properties

編輯日期 Edit Date: 2024-10-09 | 撰 Author: iGears Support Team


  • 背景顏色:點擊顏色選擇器,選擇您想要的顏色。
  • 內邊距:設置欄位內部內容之間的所需值。點擊「更多選項」以單獨設置上、下、左和右邊距的值。
  • 邊框:設置欄位的邊框顏色和寬度,以提高可見性和結構感。

When designing your interface, you can adjust the properties of columns to enhance their appearance and readability.

  • Background Colour: Click the colour picker and choose your desired colour.
  • Padding: Set the desired values between the content inside the column. You may also click ‘More option’ to set the desired values for top, bottom, left, and right padding separately.
  • Border: Set the border colour and width to the column for enhanced visibility and structure.

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