EDM 發送狀況 EDM Blasting Status - SendPromotion.Email
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EDM 發送狀況 EDM Blasting Status

編輯日期 Edit Date: 2024-10-09 | 撰 Author: iGears Support Team

當你在SendPromotion.Email 按下發送,系統會定時更新電郵活動的發送情況及發送百分比。

  1. 發送中: 代表系統已扣除收件人發送限額,並進行發送。系統會顯示Sending Progress,並定時更新已發送數量百分比。
  2. 暫停: 代表系統已暫停向你發送電郵,系統會顯示Pause。你可以選擇「恢復」/「停止」。如按「恢復」,會展示「發送中」狀況;如按「停止」,系統不會再發送電郵至餘下的收件人,並只會計算已發送的電郵限額。
  3. 停止: 代表系統已停止發送此電郵活動。系統會顯示Stopped。你亦無法再次「恢復」此電郵活動的發送動作。
  4. 已完成: 代表系統已發送所有電郵至收件人,系統會顯示Finished Send Out。
  5. 未發送: 代表電郵活動未發送, 仍在編輯。

When you click "Send" in SendPromotion.Email, the system will periodically update the sending status of the email campaign and the percentage of emails sent.

  1. Sending Progress: Indicates that the system has deducted the sender's sending quota and is in the process of sending. The system periodically update the percentage of emails sent.

  2. Paused: Indicates that the system has paused sending emails to you. " You can choose to "Resume" or "Stop." If you select "Resume," it will show the "Sending" status; if you select "Stop," the system will no longer send emails to the remaining recipients and will only count the emails that have already been sent towards the quota.

  3. Stopped: Indicates that the system has stopped sending this email campaign. You will not be able to resume this email campaign's sending action.

  4. Finished sent out: Indicates that the system has sent all emails to the recipients.

  5. Not Yet Send: Campaign is still in editing status, not yet blasted.

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