編輯日期 Edit Date: 2024-10-09 | 撰 Author: iGears Support Team
SendPromotion.Email 的帳戶設定
暱稱: 帳戶之使用者名稱
密碼: 請輸入至少 8 個字元,並包含以下三種組合中的至少三種:數字 (0-9) / 符號 (~!@#$...) / 大寫字母 (A-Z) / 小寫字母 (a-z)
如登入時密碼錯誤次數超過5次,需要與你的Admin 帳戶聯絡更改密碼。如為Admin帳戶,請與我們的銷售同事聯絡。
預設發件人姓名: EDM發送名稱
預設發件人電郵: EDM的預設電郵
其他設定 (只限Admin 管理者查看): 可發送EDM? (即查看EDM功能), 可發送SMS? (即查看SMS功能), 可發送MMS? (即查看MMS功能) 。
Account Settings for SendPromotion.Email
Nickname: The username for the account.
Password: Please enter at least 8 characters, including at least three of the following combinations: numbers (0-9) / symbols (~!@#$...) / uppercase letters (A-Z) / lowercase letters (a-z).
If the password is entered incorrectly more than 5 times, you will need to contact your Admin account to change the password. If it is an Admin account, please contact our sales team.
Default Sender Name: The name used for EDM sending.
Default Sender Email: The default email for EDM.
Other Settings (Admin only):
Has EDM? (i.e., view EDM functionality)
Has SMS? (i.e., view SMS functionality)
Has MMS? (i.e., view MMS functionality)
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