Microsoft 365

Reduce your human resources burden
AI Chatbot(人工智能聊天機器人)模擬人類的對話過程,能夠理解和回答用戶的問題,提供相關的信息和解決方案。透過預先編寫的規則和指令進行對話,也可以通過機器學習和深度學習等技術不斷學習和改進回答能力。
AI Chatbot具有即時回應、24/7服務、大容量處理、一致性回應和學習能力等優點,為用戶提供便捷、高效且個人化的服務體驗。

AI Chatbot simulates human conversation processes and is capable of understanding and answering user questions, providing relevant information and solutions. It engages in dialogue through pre-programmed rules and instructions, and can also continuously learn and improve its answering capabilities through techniques such as machine learning and deep learning.
AI Chatbots offer advantages such as real-time responses, 24/7 availability, handling large volumes of interactions, delivering consistent responses, and possessing learning capabilities. They provide users with convenient, efficient, and personalized service experiences.




Analytics and Reporting


Weekly reporting of chatbot stats

24/7 在線

24/7 Availability


Chatbots are available for all day assistance.


Multilanguage Feature


No Human Involvement


Pricing Table

計劃 A

Plan A

$ 380 /月(Mo)

  • 2個聊天機械人2 Chatbots
  • 5千用戶/ 月5k Users /Month
  • 無限故事Unlimited Number of Stories
  • 無限聯繫,表格及媒體Unlimited Conversation, Forms and Media
  • 信息排程Message Scheduling
  • 基本支援Basic Support
  • 一個月聊天記錄1 Month Chat History

計劃 C

Plan C

$ 4000 /月(Mo)

  • 20個聊天機械人20 Chatbots
  • 無限用戶Unlimited Number of Users
  • 無限故事Unlimited Number of Stories
  • 無限聯繫,表格及媒體Unlimited Conversation, Forms and Media
  • 信息排程Message Scheduling
  • 24/7卓越支援24/7 Premium Support
  • 3個聊天機械人開發3-Chatbot Development
  • 無限量聊天記錄Unlimited Chat History


Related Services / Information


Live Chat Chatbot


Live chat chatbot can connect your website with your clients and help you to chat with your website visitors instantly. Engage and start your conversation with your client by your real sales now.

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Social Network Chatbot

社交媒體機械人能讓您的網站訪客輕鬆地與你聯繫,您亦可以輕鬆地將機械人連接到您的WhatsApp,Facebook Messenger和Line帳戶等。

Social network chatbot is the most effortless and native way of communication for your visitors to get in touch with you. You can easily connect with your WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Line account or so on.

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